Wednesday, September 28, 2011

interview with susan collins

here is an interview with susan collins:

This Weeks Reading

So much happened in this weeks reading! I can't believe that Prim died and Katniss has to go for a free or all fight to find the medicine for Peeta! Do you think that Prim would have died anyway?
What if the medicine does not heal Peeta?

What will happen next???

What do you think will happen after Katniss blows the food up?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Why can't Katniss hear the explosions?
Why do you think Thresh let Katniss go? Even though they might end up against each other?
If you were in this situation what would you do?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Real Hunger Games trailer (?) and Interview

Do you guys think this is the official Hunger Games trailer? (the link below)
Also I searched for some interviews with Suzanne Collins about The Hunger Games and I found a good one below. I thought it was interesting to hear how she got the inspiration to write this book. And another thing which isn't exactly important but i also found it cool to see what she actually looked like in person compared to the image in my head of what she looked like from the writing..just a weird fact!

heres the link to the interview (theres also more interviews with her if you're interested):

p.s. sorry I just noticed that you can't just click on the link to get to the vids so you'll have to copy and paste it into your browser.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I really like Rue, she is really nice, and its is really nice of her to help Katniss when she is stuck in the tree. Rue is really cool


What is haymitch's relationship with Katniss?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Do you guys think that Peeta and Katniss will help each other out in the games? or that the rules might alter a little bit so that there is not just one winner who killed everybody?

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Why do you think Peeta joined a alliance with the people who didn't trust him and wanted to get Katniss? But then he saved her knowing that he would get hurt. Why?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The games begin!!

Who will be in the top 5? Who will be the winner? How will each of them DIE? I can't wait to find out!! I sound like Effie trinket....

Back Home

What do you guys think that prim and katniss's mother are thinking right now? After the interview and the meeting with the game makers knowing how well she did how do you think they are feeling?

The book is going very well, katniss got a very good score 11. Then for the interview it seemed like she looked very pretty by the description that the author gave us. I think katniss is going to to very well.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Teamwork is death and so is owing Peeta...

Wow! so many things happened in this section! I cant believe Peeta saved her life and I find the whole tracker jacker thing really scary! I think Katniss is right and Peeta has to do this to maintain the whole "in love" thing. I think teaming up with Rue was a bad idea because only one person can win and if they are left they will have to kill each other. I am glad Katniss outsmarted the careers but she better be careful because they really want to kill her know. I think that Katniss and Rue wont last long as a team and I dont know if Katniss is going to be okay after the blow she just took from the explosion.

Do you think Rue and Katniss can be a good team? For how long?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gender Stereotype

I know that this was a while ago in the book, but still...
At one point, when Katniss was getting like almost her whole body waxed, (right before she met Cinna) I noticed that they were most likely not doing that to the boy tributes. That is a gender stereotype--that girls should have hairless bodies and men shouldn't. The people who were waxing Katniss were saying to her, "Oh, now that your not all hairy you'll be very beautiful", or something like that. That really shows the stereotype that girls need to be hairless to be "beautiful," and I think it was wrong of those people to say that to Katniss.
What do you think?

Interview with Caesar

I really enjoyed reading about the interview that Katniss had with Caesar and how Peeta told him that he loved Katniss, do you guys think he was telling the truth? Or was he using that as a technique?

When Katniss shoots the gamemakers and runs up to her room sobing and freaking out about the things that they might do to her and the things that they might do to Prim and her mother. i would be so freated out that they might kill or separate my mom and sister.

The Capital

Where is the capital in what use to be the united states.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I think that at the end of the book Katniss is going to like Peeta or Gale. Whitch on off them do you think Katniss will endup liking.
who is Delly Cartwright?

Katniss will win!

I bet Katniss will win the games, but her best chance is to get a bow and arrow. But what if there is no bow and arrow? What do you think will happen?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Hunger Games are about to begin!

The Hunger Games is about to begin and I am very exited! Katniss has a very good chance at winning because of her skill with her bow and arrow and the game makers gave her an 11 at the auditions. Many interesting things have happened. I can’t believe Peeta’s mom told him that she thought Katniss would win and I don’t know if Peeta is or isn’t trying to trick Katniss by being nice to her. I was so shocked when Peeta said he had a crush on Katniss and I was honestly disappointed when I found out it was not true. I am dying to know what happens in the games and I hope Katniss ad Peeta can both be smart enough to survive for a while.

I think the Hunger Games is a great book, even my Mom couldn't put it down. It's written extremely well and it brought me into a whole different world. Its very easy to get absorbed into this book since its gripping and intense plot makes you keep on reading. I completely agree with Emma Raney's post about how this book is very predictable, which is one down side to it I almost already know that she is going to win and that someone who she loves and is close to is going to die.
This book always made me feel extremely grateful that I have enough to eat and that I can buy food anytime anywhere. Reading about Katniss's family almost starving to death made me much more grateful and aware of everything that happens in my life.
I can't wait to finish this book, and overall I think the Hunger Games is incredible.

My Opinons on The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is an amazing book and I basically lost my ability to put it down. However, I found it sort of predictable, maybe because i read this type of book a lot or maybe because there are 2 or 3 other books in this series. For one thing, you know she is going to win, otherwise the series would be totally pointless, and you know that some one very close to her is going to die. Because it is so well written, this doesn't make a difference,but that's just the one downer for me. Overall, it is an amazing book.

Would you guys want to read the other books in the series? They are called Catching Fire and Mockingjay in case you want to find out more about them.

Saturday, September 10, 2011


If you were katniss and you just got to Districts level and saw all of this new stuff would you be excited?

I would be excited especialy for all the new elctronics

Hunger Games

I have such a weird feeling that Peeta, the 12 year old little girl, AND Katniss will find a way to win all together... I wonder if anyone else thought the same?

Friday, September 9, 2011

Where are the games

I am totaly confused on where the games are held
Is it in the open woods or in a areana

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Hunger Games Movie Coming Out in the Spring

Would you guys go watch this movie when it comes out?

The Humger Games: Movie Coming Out (P.S. do not watch if you are really squemish)

This is the link to the hunger games movie that is coming out. It doesn't have any spoilers, so don't worry. :D

My First Thoughts on the Hunger Games...

I love the Hunger Games! The setting is so interesting and I cant put the book down. The time the Hunger Games takes place in is horrible. In this time the quality of your life depends on how much money you have and also what District you live in. Katniss is in the poorest and worst District, District 12. Because of the world Katniss lives in and because she is the one putting food on the table she is very mature for her age. I love Katniss' personality and I think she will be the winner of the Hunger Games!

Game To Play

Wanna find out if you're ready for the Hunger Games, or if you could survive in something like the Hunger Games? Click here


I think Katniss will win the games, do you?

Characteristics of Katniss

I personally think Katniss is a really brave girl.
She is also very caring. She really cares about Prim, and I think its so sweet and so brave how she volunteers to take Prim's place in the Hunger Games. I know a lot of people wouldn't have done that-- they wouldn't have cared so much about their sister, but Katniss does. She loved Prim that much. Do you agree?


I don't understand what Peacekeepers are.
Are they guards?

True or False?

Heres a quote that's on the top of page 36 of "The Hunger Games":

' "I was ill. I could have treated myself if I had the medicine I have now."
That part about her being ill might be true.'

I have two questions:
1) Do you think the quote (what the mother said) on the top of page 36 is true or do you think its a lie?
2) If you were Katniss, would you believe your mother?

The Hunger Games!

Hungry for games! And for blogging software that is, y'know, useful!