Thursday, September 8, 2011

True or False?

Heres a quote that's on the top of page 36 of "The Hunger Games":

' "I was ill. I could have treated myself if I had the medicine I have now."
That part about her being ill might be true.'

I have two questions:
1) Do you think the quote (what the mother said) on the top of page 36 is true or do you think its a lie?
2) If you were Katniss, would you believe your mother?


  1. I think it's true, but I don't think Katniss' mother had a diagnosed sickness. I think it was more like depression and sadness, and that's what made her feel sick and say she was sick. If she had had medicine to treat her emotions, then she wouldn't have felt sick.

    If I had been Katniss in that situation, I probably wouldn't have believed my mother at first when she said she was ill, because Katniss seemed angry at her mother for totally abandoning Prim and her. I would have been angry too. But probably I would soon start to feel bad for my mother, and then I'd convince myself into believing her because of the compassion and pity I felt fo her.

  2. Ya, i would feel really bad for her, cuz she left her job, became poor, then her dad died. but katniss still also had to go through that to.

    PS the names are really weird.

  3. Okay sure I would feel,bad for the mother because she was ill and depressed because of the fathers death but I think Katniss has a right to be mad at her because she didn't suck it up even when they where all starving. If it were not for Katniss their whole family could have died and I think the fact that Katniss had to grow faster, and be stronger than her mother to suport the family makes her upset.

  4. I dunno its just fun, blogging and talking about the AWESOME book!!!

  5. Well Katniss and Prim both really miss their dad...

  6. yeah I do feel that katniss is doing alot of the jobs that the dad would do.

  7. I definitely agree with you Lorena.

  8. but those thing happen in life it is sad but it is life they just got to expect it
